Entry Requirements

  1. The entry form should be completed online in full for each entry.
  2. A separate form must be completed for each book being submitted.
  3. All fields are mandatory and must be completed.
  4. In cases where the entrant has deliberately provided false or misleading information, the management of the Etisalat Award has the right to take any action, including legal, as it sees fit.
  5. The following documents and copies must also be submitted:
    1. Seven non-returnable hard copies of the submitted title(s) to any of the categories.
    2. One soft copy of each title submitted.
    3. One high resolution soft copy of the book cover for each title submitted.
    4. Copies of the contracts with the author and illustrator of the submitted title or a statement signed by both parties declaring that all rights have been legally surrendered by the author and illustrator to the publishing house.
    5. A profile of the publishing house.
    6. Up-to-date bios/profiles of the author and illustrator.
    7. A copy of the publisher's trade license or any document to prove the registration of the publishing house in its country of origin.
    8. Summaries of the submitted books.