Elephant On My Finger" explores a young boy's journey of self-discovery, resilience, and acceptance. Initially living an ordinary, carefree life, his world is disrupted when a small spot, vitiligo, starts to grow. This visible difference attracts attention and questions, challenging his self-esteem and introducing him to the metaphorical elephant in the room: the unsaid and the unseen. This elephant, initially viewed as a heavy burden, is actually an opportunity for him to explore his own uniqueness and reshape his perspective. Through his journey, he learns to carry his 'elephant' not as a weight, but as a tiny companion on his fingertip. It's a tale of embracing one's difference, finding beauty in diversity, and teaching others how to respect and understand what is often left unsaid.
Etisalat and
Since 1976, we have pioneered new technologies and brought these to new people and new places. First as the Emirates’ telephone company, today as the global technology group, e&. Etisalat and is the largest telecommunication corporation in the GCC. Headquartered in Abu Dhabi UAE, Etisalat serves 11.6 million customers and over 300,000 small, medium and large enterprises and government customers in the UAE.
The UAE Board on Books for Young People (UAEBBY)
The UAE Board on Books for Young People (UAEBBY) is the local branch in the United Arab Emirates of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY). Founded in Switzerland in 1953, IBBY is an international network of individuals and organizations.